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E) Rings 線圈
KAM FUNG Metal Manufactory Ltd
Specializing in garment metal accessories since 1982
E) Rings 線圈
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23mm EA131B-ZB
23mm EA131B-ZB
4/29/2010 11:15:20 AM
Code  货号 : EA131B-ZB
Outer  外度尺寸 : 20.6 x 29.6 x 3.9mm(H x W x T)
Fit belt width  适用穿带阔度 : 21 — 23mm

Remark:(L)=Length長度 (W)=Width闊度 (H)=Height高度 (T)=Thickness厚度 (D)=Depth深度 (O)=Outer外度 (I)=Inner內度
All samples in this website with customers' registered trademarks, logo & diagram are for demonstation only and not availabel for sale.
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EA) Ring D形扣
EB) Square Ring 方形圈
EC) Circle Ring 圓形扣
ED) Oval Ring 蛋形扣
EG) Twin Ring 孖圈